You have probably heard about electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in mainstream media, often framed as harmful. Most of the EMFs you encounter daily come from electronic devices like your cell phone. But did you know that infrared saunas also emit EMFs? Should this be a cause for concern? And how do the EMF levels in infrared saunas stack up against those from everyday technology?
In this article, we’ll break down what EMFs are and whether they pose any real risk, helping you make informed decisions about your wellness.
What Are EMF's?
On a technical level, EMFs are defined as moving electrical charges or frequencies. Everything in the universe, including your body, emits some form of frequency—most of which are harmless. However, in extremely high doses (such as those from power lines), EMFs can potentially disrupt the body’s natural frequencies and processes, posing health risks.
EMFs are classified into two categories: non-ionizing and ionizing. [1] Non-ionizing EMFs are low-level radiation that pose no known harm to the human body. Everyday electronics—including infrared saunas—fall into this category. In contrast, ionizing EMFs carry enough energy to damage DNA and pose potential health risks. X-rays, for instance, are a form of ionizing EMF, which is why both patients and medical staff wear protective gear during x-ray procedures. Similarly, the ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight are also ionizing, which is why sunscreen is recommended to protect the skin from burns.
Ultra-Low EMF Saunas: The Truth
Every infrared sauna emits EMFs—this is an unavoidable fact. While some people are sensitive to high levels of EMFs, others may not notice them at all. Additionally, certain individuals with specific medical conditions are advised to limit their exposure to EMFs.
To meet these needs, JNH Lifestyles offers ultra-low EMF infrared saunas through our Ensi, Tosi, and ProSeries collections. These models emit significantly lower EMFs than everyday appliances like hair dryers or blenders, making them a safe and enjoyable option—even for individuals with pacemakers.
Bottom Line: There Is No Danger Associated
With Infrared Sauna Usage
Ultimately, managing your EMF exposure is a personal choice. Even our standard infrared saunas pose no harm. In fact, EMFs are present throughout your home—from power outlets and lighting fixtures to fans and even your car, where the rotation of the wheels generates
EMFs. It’s also important to note that no conclusive research has proven that everyday technology emits EMFs at levels harmful to your health.
On the other hand, infrared sauna therapy offers numerous health benefits. It can enhance cardiovascular function, improve blood circulation, speed up healing, alleviate pain, reduce stress, boost energy levels, and relieve joint stiffness, among other advantages. [2] Many people also use it as a way to relax and decompress after a long day.
Rest assured, infrared saunas are completely safe. The EMF levels they emit are minimal and harmless, so you can continue enjoying the health benefits of your sauna sessions with peace of mind—there’s nothing to worry about!
[1] (2018). “Electric & Magnetic Fields.”,24 February 2020,
[2] Vatansever, F., & Hamblin, M. R. (2012). “Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical applications. Photonics & lasers in medicine.”, Photonics Lasers Med, 22 February 2020,