
Reach Your Goal Weight With Infrared Sauna Weight Loss

(Updated on 2nd March 2022)

Weight loss using a sauna sounds like a fantasy doesn’t it? Shedding those unwanted pounds as you relax just sounds too good to be true. The Finnish have been using conventional saunas (steam saunas) for centuries for many different purposes such as relaxing, achieving health benefits, socializing and even giving birth in an almost sterile environment! Although they aren’t as popular in the United States, traditional Finnish saunas are available in most gyms, wellness centers and are gradually making their way into people’s homes. Many people don’t like traditional saunas though because of the whopping 200-degree heat that is very uncomfortable. In comparison, an infrared sauna heats up to only 110 to 140 degrees, which is much easier to endure.

Is Infrared Sauna Weight Loss Really Possible?

Obviously, saunas are an ideal way to relax and get a good sweat going on, but do saunas help you lose weight? Yes, if you do it right. Not only do you burn calories in a sauna, but you eliminate water weight as well. Infrared saunas are effective for shedding the stubborn extra pounds because the infrared light waves penetrate below the skin, helping to eliminate body fat and blood floating fats--such as cholesterol--from your body’s system. After a good sweat during a sauna session, you may notice significant weight loss on the scales right away. Admittedly, most of the weight will be water weight and will come back as soon as you rehydrate. Nonetheless, there is proof that because infrared saunas are capable of penetrating the skin deeper and raising the metabolic rate, they can aid the body in burning off about 200 - 600 calories per 30-minute session.

How Does Sauna Help Lose Weight?

Numerous studies have shown that infrared saunas can aid in the reduction of weight when using saunas on a regular basis (study recommended three months). Further research reveals that far infrared sauna use can give results similar to moderate exercise, yet it’s more relaxing and likely to be appealing for individuals to do on a regular basis. Therefore, infrared sauna use can improve a person’s lifestyle if they are not able to participate in a conventional exercise program, perhaps due to medical conditions. As long as they keep to a healthy diet and use a sauna on a regular basis, they should notice weight loss.

Do Infrared Saunas Burn Calories?

An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association claims that a 30 minute session in an infrared sauna can burn up to 600 calories. As you sit in a sauna your body’s core temperature increases, so the body has to work hardto cool itself down, which produces that healthy, deep sweat. So how does a sauna burn fat? Sauna usage increases the heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate, which helps to burn more calories and causes weight loss. Some studies have even suggested that consistent use can provide some of the same benefits that regular exercise does, for example, an improved cardiovascular system. In other words, infrared sauna sessions are giving you a passive cardio workout that is way more relaxing and enjoyable!

Can Infrared Saunas Make You Look Younger?

In addition to boosting weight loss results, an infrared sauna can also turn back the hands of time. This miraculous invention makes you look tenderfoot and juvenile again! Infrared saunas can improve skin tone and reduce the signs of aging by encouraging better circulation, blood flow and increased collagen production. Believe it or not, all these simple factors improve the look of your skin enormously. The boost in circulation, and the flushing of toxins and cellular debris, promotes better skin health and offers a radiant appearance.

How Does A Sauna Increase Blood Flow?

Besides losing weight and feeling good about yourself, continuous infrared sauna use can help you mentally. Expect to have better mental focus and improved state of mind. The wavelengths in an infrared sauna increase the brain’s serotonin levels and endorphins. When you dedicate at least 30 minutes a day in an infrared sauna, you can elevate and relax your mood. It can also be said that when you feel better about yourself mentally, it can result in more weight loss. Ultimately, infrared sauna use helps individuals feel more relaxed and less stressed.

Can An Infrared Sauna Boost Metabolism?

Yes! This is due to the thermic effect. As mentioned before, when you have an increase in your core body temperature, your metabolism increases at least for the time that you are in the sauna or steam room, as well as another 30 or 60 minutes afterward as your body is trying to regulate its temperature again. Generally, your heart rate will increase, you start sweating, and you feel more exhausted, even though you are just sitting there.

Does Infrared Sauna Have Mental Benefits?

Besides losing weight and feeling physically good about yourself, continuous infrared sauna use can improve your mental health. Expect to have better mental focus and improved state of mind. The wavelengths in an infrared sauna increase the brain’s serotonin levels and endorphins. When you dedicate at least 30 minutes a day in an infrared sauna, you can relax and elevate your mood. It can also be said that when you feel better about yourself mentally, it can result in more weight loss. Ultimately, infrared sauna use helps individuals feel more relaxed and less stressed.

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