
Near Infrared Saunas: Should You Buy It?

You may be convinced of the benefits of regular sauna therapy, but it can be confusing trying to decipher the differences between near infrared saunas and far infrared saunas. Which one is the best? When you see a near infrared sauna for sale, should you jump on the bargain or not?

The simplest way to make an informed decision is to understand the difference between near and far infrared light.

Near vs. Far Infrared Light

Infrared saunas warm your body through infrared light, much like natural sunlight does when you are outside. The main difference between sunlight and infrared light, as you may already know, is that infrared light is invisible to the human eye, and is experienced only as a sensation of warmth. This is due to the differing wave-length of infrared light. In Layman’s terms, near infrared light falls on the near, or almost-visible, end of the light spectrum, and far infrared light is on the far end of the infrared portion of the light spectrum.

Far Infrared Saunas

Far infrared saunas emit light from the far-infrared spectrum. These saunas tend to utilize a bit more electricity than near infrared saunas, and therefore may emit a stronger electromagnetic field (although, sensitive to consumer concerns, many manufacturers shield their saunas to avoid emitting EMFs). Far infrared sauna therapy has been formally studied more than its near-infrared counterpart, and is considered to be a promising treatment modality by many in the medical community.

Near Infrared Saunas

Near infrared saunas are considered to provide both the heat therapy that is traditionally associated with saunas, in addition to “light therapy”.Because they typically use less electricity than far infrared saunas, near infrared models may emit fewer EMFs. The heat in a near-infrared sauna is experienced by some users as feeling “more penetrating” at a relatively lower temperature.

Which Model Should I Choose?

Ultimately it comes down to preference. If you live in an area where electricity is expensive, the fact that a near infrared sauna typically uses ⅓ less electricity than a far infrared sauna might be the deciding factor. If you’re of a scientific turn of mind, and prefer to use treatments that have been well studied, the widely documented benefits of the far-infrared sauna may make up your mind for you.

In the end, you should look at your budget, the space you have available, and which benefits you hope to receive, and then follow your heart. You, like many others, might find yourself following it right into the sauna!


Far infrared radiation: Its biological effects and medical implications -

Far vs. Near infrared Sauna -

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