
A Home Sauna Can Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Sitting for 30 minutes in an infrared sauna may be just as good as exercise for the heart. So, relaxing in your infrared home sauna not only feels good but can have a positive effect on your cardiovascular system in characteristics that are similar to moderate exercise.

Research Supports Infrared Sauna Use For Heart Health?

A study that analyzed the effects of 30-minutes in an infrared sauna concluded that an infrared sauna session can improve heart health. These results showed a correlation between individuals who regularly used an infrared sauna having less risk of developing heart disease and dementia.

Also, the study revealed that regular infrared sauna users noticed a reduction in blood pressure and artery stiffness right after their session. Plus, there was an increase in heart rate that is usually a side effect of moderate exercise.

Scientists don’t completely understand the reason for this, however the heat produced from an infrared sauna is one significant catalyst. Since heat causes the body to sweat, which is a natural diuretic effect, it lowers blood pressure and decreases the responsibilities of the heart.It is important to note that heart disease and dementia have common risk factors, and one of them is high blood pressure. The heart and the brain need efficient blood vessel function to work properly.

Another added bonus is that saunas help people relax. Researchers wanted to analyze if a sauna session had positive effects on blood vessels and heart function. So further studies were conducted in Finland, where sauna bathing originated and is a daily ritual. Those who frequented saunas had lower rates of heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease. This study consisted of individuals in their 40s and 50s who didn't have heart disease but did carry the risk factors for it, for instance, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and/or obesity. After each participant had a sauna session, their blood pressure dropped by seven points and their arteries became more flexible. Furthermore, their heart rate increased from a normal 65 beats per minute before they had their sauna session to 81 beats following the session.

The Benefits of Infrared Sauna Use On Coronary Heart Disease

Better Blood Circulation - Your heart benefits from infrared sauna use because it stimulates the body, increases heart rate, and dilates blood vessels in a way that is similar to moderate exercises such as swimming or jogging. Achieving better blood circulation can reduce blood pressure.

Reduced Blood Pressure - If you have high blood pressure, which is also referred to as hypertension, you have an increased chance of experiencing a cardiac event. Studies indicate that infrared saunas have a blood pressure reducing effect on individuals with high blood pressure. This happens in many ways. When a person’s heart rate is slowly elevated, blood circulation is improved, and eventually, elasticity can reappear in blood vessels and arteries.

Lower LDL Cholesterol - Your body carries two main types of cholesterol - HDL and LDL. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) is the bad type of cholesterol because it sticks to the artery walls, which narrows the arteries and increases blood pressure and a person’s risk of heart attack and stroke. If you regularly use an infrared sauna, you could reduce your LDL cholesterol by 50 points.

Healthy Form of Relaxation - It is very common within the United States to not know when to stop. We often seem to think that working ourselves to death is a good thing. It's not a bad trait to be a hard worker, but we also need to make time for meaningful relaxation so our brain can reset itself. If we don’t do that, we limit our ability to think clearly and we further worsen our stress levels. This is why the next point on this list is so important!

Reduce Stress - The well-known and most studied feature of saunas is their amazing ability to reduce stress. Exposing yourself to this deep penetrating heat can boost endorphins, norepinephrine, oxytocin and dopamine.

These neurochemicals are safely heightened and when they work in harmony, they produce a feeling that is similar to a post-workout glow. In general, infrared sauna sessions imitate many aspects of a solid workout, but the only difference is you aren’t moving one inch, just relaxing!

Enjoy Similar Exercise Health Benefits - It is not uncommon for doctors to advise their heart patients to engage in a healthy form of exercise to gently increase their heart rate in order to maintain the flexibility of the muscle walls. Sitting in an infrared sauna for at least 30 minutes provides the same effects of moderate exercise. As a result of taking some time to relax in an infrared sauna, the heart begins to beat faster, a larger volume of oxygenated blood circulates throughout the body, and you start to excessively sweat to eliminate harmful toxins from the inside out.

Treating Heart Disease with your own Infrared Sauna

  1. It is important to treat your heart and health well since the risks of heart disease can never be exaggerated. Using a JNH Lifestyles infrared sauna, especially at home, is a safe and effective way of reducing the risks linked to heart disease. In many cases, infrared therapies can be safely used together with medications prescribed by your doctor. However, to be on the safe side, always consult with your physician before participating in any activity, even a relaxing and therapeutic infrared sauna session!

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